Reiki Energy Sessions including Usui, Karuna and Kahi Loha, Ancient Sound and Toning Sessions, Distance Reiki, Spiritual Blessings, and Chakra Harmonizing for the Orange County Area

What is Reiki? Simply, Reiki is the power of touch. Reiki is our life force energy. Want to learn more? Click on the video below.

What is Reiki? Simply, Reiki is the power of touch. Reiki is our life force energy. Want to learn more? Click on the video below.

Reiki Full Body Session

This treatment session incorporates the traditional Usui reiki methods beginning with reiju spiritual blessing and empowerment, seiheki chiryo ho (intention/affirmation sending), clearing/combing the aura, chakra balancing and harmonizing the 5 bodies (physical, energetic, emotional/ mental, wisdom and spiritual bliss), spinal blood cleansing, connecting the 3 diamonds and the Usui stone method using the 4 kotodama (chanting sounds) and symbols, revitalizing/fluffing and sealing the aura. The session also includes working on the organs, the hands and the feet. The practitioner will begin on the front of the client’s body moving from the crown of the head to the feet. When completed, the client will receive reiki on the back of the body from feet to head along with the spinal and blood cleanse. This can be a hands on or hands off method.  The client may choose to end the reiki session with a sound bowl bath allowing the energy to soak into all the layers deeply. This session is 75 minutes to 90 minutes in length. Wear comfortable clothes.  Note, we will do a short movement to move stuck energy before beginning treatment. Drink water before the session. Hydration is important to get optimal energy support. ;)  Price range $90 to $150.   

*Yoga Therapy can be added for an additional fee if the client would like to be given lifestyle tools to support their healing journey and wellness lifestyle.

Kahi Loha and the 7 Elements

This Kahi Loa Energy session incorporates the 7 elements energy touch technique, also referred to as “The Magic Touch”. This comes from Huna, a hawaiian healing and wellness system. The seven elements include; fire, water, rock/crystal, air/wind, plant, animal, and human compassionate touch. Oils, crystals, and ancient sounds are interwoven into the session. This is a hands on energy technique. This session is 75 minutes in length and may take longer when needed. The practitioner begins the 7 elements of touch on the front of the body. When completed, the client will then receive the 7 elements of touch on the back. The practitioner will end the session with a song of blessing. Wear comfortable clothes. Please drink water prior to session as hydration helps to support the energy.  Price range $90 to $150.    

Guided Chakra Meditation with Reiki and Toning

This wellness session includes harmonizing the Chakras of the body supporting body, mind and spirit wellness. This can be a hands on or off technique and is only done on the front of the body. Client will be guided through a meditation throughout the session by Jill Mattson. For those who have struggled with meditating and quieting the mind, this is a great session to begin with. During the guided meditation, the practitioner will incorporate sound toning and reiki. The practitioner will move through each chakra by toning and chanting positive affirmations while flowing Reiki energy. This session will be 45 to 50 minutes in length. Wear comfortable clothes. Please drink water prior to session as hydration helps to support the energy. Price range $60 to $75.

Reiki for Healing and Recovery (Surgery, Post-Pregnancy, Broken Bones, Illness, and More)

Research shares with us that Reiki speeds up the healing and recovery time of broken bones, sprains and strains as well as surgical procedures. Reiki also supports post pregnancy and body recovery as well as emotional and mental support care. If you are recovering from auto-immune, mold exposure, cancer, etc., reiki provides pain reduction, sleep improvement, anxiety/stress/depression reduction and relief. A cat’s purr also shows evidence of healing bones. I have both Reiki and cats!!! In this package I offer three 20 minutes reiki sessions. This differs from the other reiki sessions by focusing on the area of need and areas of proximity. If unable to travel to studio, home visits are offered here with a $10 traveling fee (for those in surrounding areas; Tusin, Irvine, Costa Mesa, Orange. I can’t guarantee the cats will come, but they keep the vibration high for healing! Price Range is a sliding scale.., $99.00-$150.00. This includes the 3 reiki sessions.


Distance Reiki

Distance Reiki or traditionally becoming one with the all, works according to an ancient principle called the Hermetic Law of Similarity, which holds that we are all connected, as we are all made of energy and part of a larger whole. Invoking this law during a distance Reiki session allows the practitioner to link up to the energy field of the recipient, becoming one. Distance reiki can be performed from another room or from across the world. This energy transcends time and can treat for the past, present or future. Reiki can even be sent to a past life/lives. This service can be given a number of ways. First, a time can be sent so the recipient knows to relax and receive the energy. Second option, the practitioner and recipient can connect via phone and conduct the distance session. Session is typically 20 or 30 minutes in length but at times may exceed and run longer. Client may wear comfortable clothes and drink a glass of water prior to session and when session has ended. Price range based on a sliding scale, $30-$60.

distance reiki.GIF

Reiki Quick Chair

This treatment session includes Usui Reiki techniques and moves through the 7 main chakras beginning at the crown and ending at the root. This is a quick movement through each chakra. The client will be in a sitting position as the practitioner begins with reiju empowerment and intentions, smoothes and combs the aura, them places hands in both front and back of body and maneuvers through the chakras. After the chakras have been harmonized, connecting heaven and earth will be implemented. Revitalizing and sealing the aura will finish the session. The client will allow for a 5 minute consult and then the 15 to 20 minute quick reiki. Hands on or hands off method can be used. Those clients who don’t have a lot of time or are unfamiliar with Reiki energy may enjoy this session as an introduction to Reiki and energy concepts. Wear comfortable clothes. A short movement will be done first to move stuck energy. Be sure to hydrate before and after session. Price range $36 to $55.00.

Specialized Reiki Techniques and Tools

For those who may require more specialized energy techniques, the following are available; Mindful Meditations and Techniques for specific need/illness/challenge, Oracle Card Sessions, Reiki Psychic Surgery, Patting, Removing  Intrusive Energies, and Clearing and Cleansing Spaces. Kundalini Techniques include; Birth Trauma Reiki, Past Lives Reiki, DNA Reiki,  Crystaline Reiki, and Location Reiki. Life coaching provided with these sessions. Prices will vary. Multiple sessions may be required.

Natalie Glassford is a Certificated Master Reiki  Practitioner with Training in Usui Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Kahi Loha and is a member of The International Association of Reiki Professionals