Dr. Christopher Lundquist was the first doctor that said I was going to heal. He reassured me I would be ok. Sometimes it's that one person to hold out their hand that can save your life! He believed in such a wide array of healing modalities. He im…

Dr. Christopher Lundquist was the first doctor that said I was going to heal. He reassured me I would be ok. Sometimes it's that one person to hold out their hand that can save your life! He believed in such a wide array of healing modalities. He immediately gave me books to read. One of these books was “The Emotion Code”. He encouraged me to search healing techniques that my other doctors had never even heard of! His compassion is unmeasurable. Thank you Dr. Lundquist. I am truly grateful.

Caduceus Medical Group in Yorba Linda California

Dr. Soon Lee was the second medical professional and wise healer that changed my life. He helped me heal deep, down inside where most are scared to go. And yes it was at first scary. He helped me to identify my hidden fear which held me hostage and …

Dr. Soon Lee was the second medical professional and wise healer that changed my life. He helped me heal deep, down inside where most are scared to go. And yes it was at first scary. He helped me to identify my hidden fear which held me hostage and feeling afraid. First acupuncture sessions and then onto thought pattern restructuring to nutrition and herbs. Dr. Lee is truly a rare, unique and beautiful soul! (Soon- I mean that in a most handsome way!). I am so thankful to you. You have truly blessed me beyond measure.

www.plumacupuncture.com 714-340-5133 Tustin, CA

Dr. Kathy Kangarloo was the Reiki Master the universe connected me to when I was sick and broken. I had read about Reiki. Spirit was guiding me to Reiki. Spirit lead me right to Kathy. I was weak mind, body and spirit. I was struggling through the E…

Dr. Kathy Kangarloo was the Reiki Master the universe connected me to when I was sick and broken. I had read about Reiki. Spirit was guiding me to Reiki. Spirit lead me right to Kathy. I was weak mind, body and spirit. I was struggling through the Epstein Barr virus and living in a mold infested apartment further breaking my immune system. Kathy surrounded me with love, energy and compassion. She also introduced me to mindfulness, meditation and the healing power of mantras, chanting and song paired with ancient instruments. It is here with Kathy that I knew I would too use Reiki to help heal. Thank you Kathy.

www.emergingom.com 949-836-6688 Tustin, Ca

I came to Dr. Anne Reith when I desired to expand my energy healing knowledge. She welcomed me with open arms to her Reiki III Art class and psychic development classes. It was here in the Impart and Wellness Center that I accepted me, and that yes …

I came to Dr. Anne Reith when I desired to expand my energy healing knowledge. She welcomed me with open arms to her Reiki III Art class and psychic development classes. It was here in the Impart and Wellness Center that I accepted me, and that yes I wasn’t so crazy, I do have unique and creative abilities and outrageous energy to allow, flow and give! I am grateful for having a safe and loving space to go to, to grow and to bond with amazing spirits. Thank you for all you give. :)

www.annereith.com 1-714-599-0017 Tustin, CA

Kate Sebring is a gifted and lovely women blessed with the gift of mediumship. She is a parapsychologist and spiritual advisor and much more. The universe brought me to Kate. There was a gut feeling that I needed to meet with someone that had extrao…

Kate Sebring is a gifted and lovely women blessed with the gift of mediumship. She is a parapsychologist and spiritual advisor and much more. The universe brought me to Kate. There was a gut feeling that I needed to meet with someone that had extraordinary gifts of intuition and connection to the light and soul energies that pass on. I connected with Kate immediately. She offered me amazing insight. She helped me to see me and my gifts and supported me on the journey and continues to be there. I am so lucky to have connected to you Kate. Thank you for all that you give to me. :) xoxoxo

www.themysticmedium.com 714-454-7759 Tustin, CA

I originally went to Dr. Emma Wagner during my highly explorative stage of finding different and unique types of healers out in our miraculous world and i soooo wanted to experience this beauty. I came to Emma to be realigned and for some tension re…

I originally went to Dr. Emma Wagner during my highly explorative stage of finding different and unique types of healers out in our miraculous world and i soooo wanted to experience this beauty. I came to Emma to be realigned and for some tension relief but I also knew I was going to experience something uniquely different when compared to other chiropractors. She is so intuitive and has a peaceful yet wise touch within her. There was so much i experienced spiritually as well as physically that it was such an amazing and peaceful release and aligning. It is something that you must experience and feel for yourself. I continue to see Emma for she has insights that are always a blessing. Thank you Dr. Emma for your beautiful energy. :)

www.dremmawagner.com 949-616-5241 San Clemente, CA

Oh where to begin with Arthyr Chadbourne? What a great and wise soul! And I purposely left this picture larger than life to match and showcase his “Leo”ness! I have been graced to attend Arthyr’s Thursday Astrology classes for a good while now. I am…

Honoring the beloved Arthyr Chadbourne. What a great and wise soul! And I purposely left this picture larger than life to match and showcase his “Leo”ness! I had been graced to attend Arthyr’s Thursday Astrology classes for a year or 2. I was always learning something new and exciting about life, people and spirit. He brought the most hilarious perspective paired with such wise ideas and concepts. We would have to pay attention because he would throw the wisdom out so quickly we might miss it each time. Arthyr and our group had such a great meeting of beautiful souls it was hard to miss a class. I want to thank you Arthyr for your time and teachings. I am grateful for you. You are so missed. May I continue to listen to your star wisdom as you are with the stars now. xoxoxo


Kerri Draper is a wonderful teacher of reiki and a Reiki practitioner. I was brought to Kerri to become a Reiki Master. After her teachings I realized she had a teaching style that fit me very well. I decided to go back and take Reiki levels I and I…

Kerri Draper is a wonderful teacher of reiki and a Reiki practitioner. I was brought to Kerri to become a Reiki Master. After her teachings I realized she had a teaching style that fit me very well. I decided to go back and take Reiki levels I and II again. I then moved onto Kundalini Reiki with Kerri. She is a beautiful calming soul that makes everything so simple. She has created an organization called “Free Reiki for Cancer”. Please visit her website for more details on such a great organization. Thank you Kerri for the perfect words and message at the most perfect time.

www.freereiki4cancer.com 714-496-5760 Costa Mesa, CA

Jade Elizabeth blessed me with her unique teaching style and wisdom in the art of Karuna Reiki Energy. She has such a large repertoire of healing modalities which makes her perspective and teaching so unique. From NLP, EFT, Life Coaching, Hypnothera…

Jade Elizabeth blessed me with her unique teaching style and wisdom in the art of Karuna Reiki Energy. She has such a large repertoire of healing modalities which makes her perspective and teaching so unique. From NLP, EFT, Life Coaching, Hypnotherapist, and Wizardry too!She gives her all and what amazing qualities are immeshed within her classes and workshops. Karuna Reiki is such a special gift. I am so thankful Jade was the spirit whom imparted these gifts. Thank you Jade. Please visit Jade at her contacts below for more info.

www.JadeElizabeth.com 714-658-3669 Huntington Beach, CA

Darcy (left) and Alice (right) are the amazing angels bringing the healing powers of DnA sound using ancient and contemporary sound instruments. They have years of experience before sound baths became a trend. They are guided by spirit. These beauti…

Darcy (left) and Alice (right) are the amazing angels bringing the healing powers of DnA sound using ancient and contemporary sound instruments. They have years of experience before sound baths became a trend. They are guided by spirit. These beautiful souls are a divine pair. As Darcy incorporates the wisdom of the stars, planets, and sooo much more, Alice incorporates Mother Earth, the elements, and more making healing magically harmonized. I began the healing journey with these love souls over a year ago to compliment my health. I have been receiving regular sound baths each month or every other month as it supports my health and wellness journey. I am so grateful for these gorgeous ladies and what they continue to give to me and the world. Follow Darcy and Alice on Instagram @ soundbathoc and @ darcyjo.lucero. With love, xoxoxo

Be the Change Yoga is a beautiful soul expanding yoga studio that provides education, lifestyle and inner growth opportunities for yogis everywhere. I began my 200 hour yoga program in July 2019. Here is where I met these amazing ladies whom shared …

Be the Change Yoga is a beautiful soul expanding yoga studio that provides education, lifestyle and inner growth opportunities for yogis everywhere. I began my 200 hour yoga program in July 2019. Here is where I met these amazing ladies whom shared their wisdom of yoga and the tools yoga has for us waiting to be unlocked! Out of all of the modalities I have learned in my lifetime, the teachings of yoga are profound and life changing. Lifestyle changes are not easy, for we are unearthing bad habits and hurtful perspectives that have not served us, but as difficult as this peek a boo is, it is evolutionary to our soul! My soul has been unleashed! Watch out world! I am grateful to so many beautiful women, but to Ashley, Allison and Katie, thank you for your light, your wisdom, and living an example that allows us to just be ok with being us, no filters, accepting flaws, and knowing we are perfect just as we are! I am grateful for you, for yoga, for the studio, for the yogi’s and for the love that surrounds me. I am so happy to continue on with you on the path of yoga as the yoga therapy path continues! Namaste! Katie, Allison and Ashley can be contacted @ Be The Change Yoga @ 714-417-9834 in Irvine CA..

Leilah and Natalie are a mother daughter team sharing their wisdom of herbs and wellness with all who want to learn. I was introduced with these beautiful women in April 2019 when I enrolled in their “Learn From The Herbalists” program. Once I began…

Leilah and Natalie are a mother daughter team sharing their wisdom of herbs and wellness with all who want to learn. I was introduced with these beautiful women in April 2019 when I enrolled in their “Learn From The Herbalists” program. Once I began my path to wellness one tool led me to another. It was only time before I found my way to know more about the herbs around us and what their healing properties are. I have learned about the healing properties our bodies have engrained in our DNA and cells. Since we are all energy bodies it only makes sense that herbs and their frequencies help support body repair and recovery. If this was used in ancient times, I want to learn this wisdom. Leilah and Natalie helped me to navigate herbs by traveling through all of the body systems. This is a very comprehensive program with a mixture of reading, watching videos and completing hands on projects. There is a plethera of information and herbs and how to use them. I am really grateful for the support Leilah and Natalie gave to me as I needed clarification or wanted more information. They were an email away and responded to each and every inquiry in perfect timing. This is definitely a life long learning topic. Leilah and Natalie gave me such a solid foundation. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with me. I can’t wait to share it! You can connect with Leilah and Natalie @ www.herbstoponline.com. They are located in Pine, AZ.

Anjali Deva is an Ayurvedic practitioner based in Idlewild, CA. I was introduced to Anjali through her father Arun who also is an Ayurvedic practitioner and Yoga therapist. I wanted to dive deeper with Ayurveda and Anjali and her online foundations and rituals program appeared. As I began her program I became ill. I found out I was suffering from mold toxicity and EBV reactivation for the second time . I began counseling sessions with Anjali. I implemented new diet choices using food as medicine. We also used herbs, spices, and practices including steaming, special oils and abhyanga massages, deep inner reflection, journaling and much more. My body slowly shifted into wellness. My emotions also shifted as my body did. A year later I am feeling so much better. I am back to real life. I feel like me again. I am very grateful to Anjali for all her care, and nourishing support. Her classes have taught me so much about life and how to thrive. Thank you Anjali. You may connect with Anjali by visiting her on her website www.rootedrasa.com.