Welcome to the Positive Affirmations Project!

(Currently on hold. Gathering for tea and affirmation messages on one Sunday a month. Reiju energy blessings will be given upon request. Please stay tuned. More info to come. )

The Positive Affirmations Project is an outreach project for our community. This program is located in the City of Santa Ana, California. The goal is too bring the gift of prana (life force energy, love energy) to all people and creatures through the tools of positive affirmations and positive resonance. Why bring prana life force energy to the people in our community? Well, because prana is our soul light within us and around us. When this energy decreases, we begin the path of suffering and disease. Health and wellness is very important. Without health, without wellness, life is difficult for us and those around us. When our prana is balanced, we feel good and we can live our best life.

What are positive affirmations? Positive affirmations are intentful statements, positive and encouraging words that lift us up and help us to access feelings of love, joy, ease, freedom, peace and more. When we feel happy, or loved, or joyful, or free, we move through the world more smoothly. We can make steps towards our life goals and watch as our life goals manifest and become reality right before our eyes. Who doesn’t want to live their dream life? What is positive resonance? Positive resonance is a shared positive effect with another that contributes to a host of positive outcomes. I like to think of it as connecting with another through care and love.

The mission of the Positive Affirmations Project is to go to different areas throughout the community and spend time with people, talk with people and share positive affirmations and positive resonance with people. Why? Connecting with people and our communities can create an environment of love, of safety, and of connectedness. When people resonate in the vibration of love, fear cannot exist. In the midst of sickness, instability, violence and fear that is so pronounced in our world, redirecting our mindsets can shift this state of the world into the world we deserve, a world where all people have love, are safe, have access to basic needs and necessities, have access to wellness tools, have access to healthy foods and so much more. So let’s get to it! Let’s share time and space with each other. Let’s create a safe space, a kind space, a loving space for all.

If you would like to donate to the Positive Affirmations Project go to Natalie Glassford on PayPal or Venmo and designate the donation to The Positive Affirmations Project. If you would like to do a Positive Affirmations Project in your community and would like more information please contact me @ 949-346-4647.
