Herb Shop & Ancient Ear Coning

Healing Tea, Tea Time, Tea Meditation, Tea Reiki, Ancient Ear Coning for the Southern California and Orange County Area

Herb Shop

Love, Little Earth Angel Wellness now provides wellness “love yourself” teas, “immunity” extracts, “speed up the healing” salves and Rose Water Refresher and Energetic Cleansing Spray. All products are organic, made with love, and infused with crystal reiki energy. Products are sold in studio only.

I Love Me Heart Tea- $8.00

I Love Me Heart Tea- $8.00

Comfry Leaf Salve- $6.00

Comfry Leaf Salve- $6.00

Nat Glassford is a Certificated Herbalist Trained by The HerbStop located in Pine, AZ. Nat Glassford has 600 hours of training as an ayurvedic counselor under the guidance of teacher and practitioner Anjali Deva and Madya Way Ayurveda.

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Ancient Art of Ear Coning

Ear Coning (or ear candling) dates back to Lemuria, Atlantis, the Aztec and Mayan Cultures, and was also used in initiation ceremonies in Egypt, Greece and Tibet with profound results.

The Ear Coning process starts as the wide end of the spiral shaped Cone is set on fire and the small end of the Cone is inserted very gently into the ear canal.

When the Cone is lit the air involved takes on a whole different composition, mixing with herbs that contain natural antibiotics, decongestants and balancing properties. The air and herbs combine to make smoke in a special way, traveling gently and non-intrusively in more-or-less the same manner that sound enters the ear canal, and starts the vibrational effect on the entire system.

The benefits of Ear Coning may include emotional clearing, spiritual opening, aura cleansing, and realignment of the subtle energy flows (almost as if we were “smudging” our insides). Sharpening of the mental functions, vision, hearing, smell, taste and of color perception may occur. Detoxification of the sinus and lymph systems gives an overall feeling of balance, clarity and well-being, and eliminates itchy ear and swimmers ear. This process may also facilitate change and centering, and allow a natural flow of energy to circulate throughout the system. Ear Coning is energy work in its purest form.

Most people will need at least three initial conings, seven to fourteen days apart. More may be necessary; your body will tell you if you listen carefully.

This service is about 45 minutes in length. Client will rest on the table as practitioner conducts the coning process. Each ear takes anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes to complete. There will be extra time given for the client to rest when the coning is completed if needed. Price range $36- $51. * All services based on a sliding scale system.