Blessings, Clearing, Healing and Energizing

Whether you would like a business, store, home, condo, apartment,  room, car, or space blessed, I will come in and give your area a feeling good and sense of a positive fresh start. This blessing ritual includes special words and affirmations of intent, healing breathe, water purification, A closing blessing of good wishes with the client and ending with a special object being placed within the space to signify the celebration being completed. The client may choose to then continue the celebration with music, dancing, or sharing of food if desired.     

Clearing a space or an object is similar to a blessing ritual. The difference is that the client feels the space or object is associated to negative feelings or experiences, the vibes don't feel right. Cleansing will change the pattern and then blessing and energizing the space or object will create confidence and ease for the client. The clearing ritual will begin by  a strong statement of intent, healing breathe, salt water purification and cleansing,  special words and affirmations of intent, empowering the space  or object. A closing blessing of good wishes and ending with a special object  symbolizing confidence being placed within the space to signify the cleansing, healing and energizing being completed.  Sliding Scale Ranges from $66.00 to $ 111.00. Size of space is important when considering the offering.